Tuesday, May 09, 2006

To anyone that reads this, I started blogging on my myspace account instead. http://www.myspace.com/andiemae

Thursday, February 02, 2006

did I get hit with the lucky stick?

I didn't think that my week could get any better but it did. Towards the end of a conversation with my boss, he informed me that I will be receiving my 10% bonus! Hell yeah! He then told me that I also got a 10% raise. 10%? Good thing I wasn't driving when I found out.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

B-Day What??

I got a birthday card today!! For most people that wouldn't be anything un-ordinary, but I don't have an address. Let me start at the beginning.

While I was getting ready for work this morning Shelly called me. I semi-expected she would be the first, but to get five other calls from unexpected people before noon... wow!

I didn't even know that that many people knew it was my birthday. The phone calls didn't stop as the day went on. I feel like the luckiest girl ever. The guy I was working with today figured it out and had the staff at T.G.I. Fridays do the show. Embarassing, I know, but the cheesecake was much appreciated.

I got to my hotel in St. Joseph Missouri and didn't notice the sign until I returned from the bar the first time but, I was the guest of the day.

I asked the nice guy at the front desk if it was because it was my birthday and he wished me a happy one. I went to the bar a second time soon thereafer, why would I sit around half-sober today.

Upon my second return I was surprised by a card (from the hotel staff) under my door wishing me a happy birthday with a Starbuck's gift card. Most people know that I hate Starbuck's but it's the thought.

It has been a fuzzy feeling kind of day. My friends have made it the best. However, I have to say that it is a great feeling that the hotel chain in which I live, however corporate they can be, have made me feel more at home today than I have felt in a long time. THANK YOU!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Hooked on blackjack

I was hoping that I would be able to catch a Modern Red show while in St. Louis but they had nothing scheduled today. Instead I decided to go to the casino to see what I could get myself into.

The guy at the front desk of the hotel warned me that it would mostly be middle-agers but I didn't really care. I busted out the black skirt, fish-nets and the boots, it was on.

After a 15-minute cab ride I was wandering around just staring at all the bright lights. I found a $5 black jack table with an empty seat, which is where I would end up spending the next 4 1/2 hours. It may sound kind of boring but the dealer was cute and very talkative and interesting people kept coming and going. To my surprise, there were people there from all over the country.

I finally left the table when I started feeling kinda drunk and didn't trust that I would stay a winner. Luckily for me I was $200 up at the time. The downside to all the fun is that I will want to do it again, and probably more sooner than later.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

On the road again

After about a month of not doing much of anything, with the exception of a little manual labor, I'm back in the truck and back in the hotels. I was very sad to leave Chicago today. I was really starting to feel at home there, especially with new friends and new artistic opportunities.

I'm on my way to Dallas with plans to spend Friday (tomorrow) in St. Louis to run around and take pictures all day. I only drove for a couple hours today, one of which was spent in traffic but after rushing around this afternoon trying to get out of the city it was all I could handle.

The only hotel that had rooms available was a Double Tree. It's very nice but its swarmed with college freshmen in town for a special event. I had to step over them hanging out it the hallways on my way to my room. One of them even hid his bottle of cheap champagne to keep from getting in any trouble, I was jealous but I'm actually able to buy it for myself.

They made me feel really old. It doesn't help that my 24th is less than a month away. At least I can say that if I was 19 again there isn't much I would change about the path I've traveled since then.

By the end of this weekend I will be up to state number 30! I'm not sure if I consider that to be an actual accomplishment, it almost doesn't even feel real. Getting the raise I'm up for is probably the only accomplishment I'm worried about right now. Not that money should be the judge but it helps.

Monday, January 09, 2006

just another sunday

After another great morning of sleeping-in, I got a burst of motivation grabbed my gear and hit the streets. I had to make up for Saturday with dead batteries in my camera. I stopped at H&M to return some pants that made me look fat and hit sears for a fresh power source for my Nikon N75.

I always feel a little self-conscious when I'm running around taking pictures, almost afraid that I will come off as another tourist but I got over it. I had two hours to get in a couple rolls before I had to be somewhere to watch the Bengals - Steelers game.

I decided to travel in the direction of wicker park since I have not been there so-far during this stint in Chicago. I ended up in an artsy self-proclaimed urban bar with a menu no different than any onther bar in Chicago. I don't even think they offered vegetarian options other than fried cheese sticks and salads.

I was not worried about watching the game alone but I welcomed company. I ended up sitting next to a professional photographier with whom I shared much converation centered mostly around our artistic preferences.

The game went horribly, Palmer was out of the game before the end of the first quarter and even though Kitna was doing OK, it wasn't Carson. By the end of the game I was so drunk that I didn't really care.

The most exciting part of the evening was getiing my picture taken and being invited back to spend a day with my photographier friend to be a subject in a series. I just hope I can work it into my schedule in the very near future.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Get out of my dreams

You've been haunting me lately. Every night for the past few weeks you have been there. Are you trying to tell me something? If so I guess I'm not picking up on it. When this started it was almost calming to see you when I sleep. But now it's too much. I've tried falling asleep to music and while watching TV to try to keep you out. It doesn't work. I had a tarot card reading yesterday and I asked her about you. She told me that it's because I am not satisfied with the closure I got. I can agree with that but it's been so long I'm not sure how to fix it.