Friday, May 20, 2005

Even though I'm not used to waking up alone, I did get to wake up to a phone call from Steve. I knew at that point it was going to be a good day. I got to mope around and load up on coffee for a while before I had to get ready for my interview at RH Donnelley. I successfully found the bus stop to get me to Michigan, just a block from their 70th floor suite. The building is almost right on the lake. I got to chance to catch a quick view out the window, amazing to say the least. The interview went OK. I just hope that I was able to impress a little. The sales position sounds like a great opportunity for me to get started with plus it wouldn't start until mid-July. That would give me more time to spend in Cincy before my big move. Walking back to the bus stop to catch a ride back, I gazed around in amazement. SO many people and it's such a beautiful day. I wanted to stay down near the lake but I was in heels, no fun. I'm in the process of cooking a TV dinner and planning where I want to roam for the rest of the day. And I'm off!

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