Tuesday, July 26, 2005


For the second day in a row, I finally dragged myself out of bed much later than I should have. Knowing that this would probably happen, I made sure to have almost everything packed last night. I was like a ninja getting ready and I still had time for a quick breakfast and crappy coffee, I'm awesome. We drove 20 minutes to Tacoma, WA where we met up with the jobber that I would be working with all day. He was very energetic for 9 a.m. and stoked about getting to show off the corporate truck to as many of his customers that time allowed to visit.

The first stop we made was just what I needed to wake me up from my normal morning haze (that and my fresh cup of coffee). He took me to a Garage called Classic Reflection Coachworks. Basically they take brand new Corvettes and gut them.

Then they rebuild them with a classic body style, in this case a 1965 vette.

I'm not sure how many of you know about my thing for corvettes (the 72 stingray is my dream car) I was in awe. I'm talking mouth dropped, tongue hanging out, drooling action. I talked about it all day, I felt privileged to get to see this operation.

The we made about 18 more stops by 2 p.m. then met back up with Brain to head to Portland. I drove the truck almost the whole way. I think I'm ready to start taking over for the city driving, maybe.

I got more work done in the hotel in Portland, we went out to dinner (seafood again) and that's about it.

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